Blog Archives

Rubbish Day Hook

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Hanging wire hook for putting out the rubbish for collection. Attached to the wall with bent wire hooked over the top of the wall, the threat of swinging is constrained by threading the wire through a fastener made of a … Continue reading

Safety in Cans

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Reinforcing rods for the concrete block wall of a new house are made safe for passing eyes with the empty coffee cans of the construction workers (an easy form of temporary site cleaning-up too). From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)

Solar Lit Driveway

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Row of cheap solar lamps form driveway lighting when placed in drainpipe holders fastened to chainlink fence with wire. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)

Tyre Bumpers

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Cut-off tyres guard against parking mishaps. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)