

Westminster Diploma Prize

The Adaptable Futures group sponsored a Diploma Prize for best Film exploring a time-based architecture at The University of Westminster (2010-2011 academic year).  The competition was won by DS17’s James Kirk for his film, ‘A Productive Landscape for the Lower Lea Valley’.


The approach to the adaptability of the design is in the ability of the master plan and architectural production process that I have set up to respond to the constantly changing needs of the proposed Lea Valley settlement, as well as the surrounding city of London. The proposal does not dictate or presuppose the future density or lifestyle of the city and its inhabitants that is unpredictable, but sets up a framework in which a number of architectural futures are possible.  The various housing densities, and architectural responses, shown are not necessarily an evolution, but a series of potential futures for the site, all of which are possibly dependent on the future needs of the city.


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