
AF FIXES explores the notion of adaptability through the practical ways we tweak our surrounding environment. These often frugal, yet clever acts provide a platform to examine how our buildings, streets and neighbourhoods evolve over time in relationship to our dynamic human needs. What lessons can be drawn from these quotidian adaptations – what material patterns, functional classifications and connection types arise?

  • Commuter Relief

    Commuter Relief Tracks through the shrubbery that borders a newly constructed bus/taxi rotary in front of a suburban Tokyo train station …
  • Tyre Bumpers

    Cut-off tyres guard against parking mishaps.
  • Hand Made Shopping Map

    Hand made map showing shops and attractions in the center of Nagoya’s shopping district, Sakae. Various fonts, paper, and hand …
  • Display/Signalling Chair

    Chair used to signal location of store, and display products…as well as discouraging parking.