Blog Archives

Commuter Relief

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Tracks through the shrubbery that borders a newly constructed bus/taxi rotary in front of a suburban Tokyo train station illustrate the willingness of weary commuters to mold the organic infrastructure of their neighbourhoods for a quicker path to bath and … Continue reading

Tyre Bumpers

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Cut-off tyres guard against parking mishaps. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)

Hand Made Shopping Map

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Hand made map showing shops and attractions in the center of Nagoya’s shopping district, Sakae. Various fonts, paper, and hand written annotations, along with fading, wear and tear evoke the temporality of commerce. I wonder what rules and regulations hold … Continue reading

Display/Signalling Chair

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Chair used to signal location of store, and display products…as well as discouraging parking. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)