Tracks through the shrubbery that borders a newly constructed bus/taxi rotary in front of a suburban Tokyo train station illustrate the willingness of weary commuters to mold the organic infrastructure of their neighbourhoods for a quicker path to bath and … Continue reading →
A plastic grill tray halved and then fastened together with plastic twist ties (presumably) acts as a guard against rubbish hungry crows in a park in Nakano, Tokyo. When a local in the park was questioned about this, she replied … Continue reading →
Crumbling entrance archway held together with duct tape. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)
Cut-off tyres guard against parking mishaps. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)
Streetside storage for net used to hold community rubbish sacks on rubbish day. From Chris Berthelsen (a-small-lab)