Blog Archives

Roof Tile Planter

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Roof tile repurposed for apartment complex planter. I wonder if the tiles were saved from the houses that were demolished to make way for this multi-family housing. The mix of the communal apartments and the remnants of the independent house … Continue reading

Commuter Relief

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Tracks through the shrubbery that borders a newly constructed bus/taxi rotary in front of a suburban Tokyo train station illustrate the willingness of weary commuters to mold the organic infrastructure of their neighbourhoods for a quicker path to bath and … Continue reading

Astroturf Garden

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Astroturf wired to trellis forms the start of a simple and functional green wall. The mix of fake grass, struggling seedlings, generic decorative DIY materials, productive agricultural soils (background) in far west suburban Tokyo must hold hints for us. From … Continue reading

Cactus Companion in Plastic Grills

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A gigantic cactus in suburban Tokyo is supported-as-it-grows by block-by-block additions of plastic grills that are supported by metal rods and held together with twisted wire. A simple and very cheap (especially since the expenditure is spread over time) structure … Continue reading